About FS502
OK...Why are you selling the FS 502 Coating Thickness Gauge for half the price of competitive gauges
Ten years ago we set out to build the most competitive coating thickness gauges available. After 2 years of selling competitive gauges, we knew we had to offer more value for less money. We approached many of the major manufacturers; here, in England, and in Germany. No one wanted to build a gauges for us...that we were going to sell for less money than they were charging for their (overpriced) gauges.

We knew we needed a manufacturer with a proven track record. We also knew that almost every major corporation in the US is sourcing its electronics in China. IBM, Sony, Panasonic, General Motors, and Apple just to name a few. The simple fact is that almost every piece of electronics you own or use, comes from China.
After six months of searching and evaluation, we found a precision instrument laboratory who had been producing high quality thickness gauges for over 10 years. After months of negotiation, I flew into Hong Kong and personally met with the owner and chief engineer. I don't know about you, but I like to see the people I am doing business with face to face.
Originally they agreed to make the FenderSplendor FS 488 exclusively for us. Six months later we added the FS 502 for industrial users.
Here's the real proof. The FS 488 and the FS 688 quickly became the fastest selling paint meter in history. Today over 16,000 FenderSplendor Coating Thickness Gauges are in use around the World.
We put our money where our mouth is and we offer the finest written warranty in the industry. Try to find any of our competitors written warranties. Several of our competitors actually run ads showing a longer warranty then what they disclose on their website legal disclaimers. Click Here to see our written warranty.
We took it one step further...Use our FS 502 for 90 days and if you don't feel it is the absolute best value in the industry, return it for a full refund. Click Here to see our 90 day money back guarantee.